Employees of the company are certified planners and contractors with licenses 392 and 492.
In order to solve the problems related to our operations, we suggest that you establish a successful, business – technical cooperation.
Preparation of project documentation

Project development

Project Development of applied hydrogeological research (obtaining solutions applied hydrogeological investigations by competent school institutions) and the Study on reserves of groundwater, with their classification and categorization (the designation defined and categorized groundwater reserves from the competent institution).
Study development

Study on Development of sanitary protection zones for individual water facilities and organized source (conducting field work and the preparation of mathematical models for the purposes of this study).

Project documentation development

Preparation of project documentation in the procedures for exercising the right to build for facilities for which water conditions are obtained (facilities and works that may temporarily, occasionally or permanently cause changes in the water regime).
Izrada projekata
Izrada Projekata primenjenih hidrogeoloških istraživanja (dobijanje rešenja za primenjena hidrogeološka istraživanja od nadležnih instutucija) i Elaborata o rezervama podzemnih voda, sa njihovom klasifikacijom i kategorizacijom (dobijanje rešenja o utvrđenim i razvrstanim rezervama podzemnih voda od nadležnih institucija).
Izrada elaborata
Izrada Elaborata o uslovima eksploatacije podzemnih voda.
Izrada Elaborata o zonama sanitarne zaštite za individualne vodne objekte i organizovana izvorišta (sprovođenje terenskih radova i izrada matematičkog modela za potrebe ovog Elaborata).
Izrada projektne dokumentacije
Izrada Projektne dokumentacije u postupcima ostvarivanja prava na gradnju za objekte za koje se pribavljaju vodni uslovi (objekti i radovi koji mogu privremeno, povremeno ili trajno da prouzrukuju promene u vodnom režimu).
Izvođenje radova, bušenje
Bušenje bunara za individualno i organizovano vodosnabdevanje (bušenje udarno, direktno i reversno) prečnika bušenja od ϕ 190 mm do ϕ 1000 mm, odnosno prečnika bunara od ϕ 125 mm do ϕ 600 mm.
Izvođenje istražnog bušenja i izrada pijezometara.
Održavanje bunara
Hemijsko – fizičko – hidraulička regeneracija atrofiranih bunara sa ciljem povraćaja njihove izgubljene izdašnosti. Primena metodologije regeneracije je značajno jeftinija od gradnje novog bunara, pri čemu se bunaru produžava vek eksploatacije i obezbeđuje značajno veća količina vode za organizovano vodosnabdevanje
Execution of works

Well drilling

Drilling of wells for individual and organized water supply (percussion, direct and reverse drilling) with drilling diameters from ϕ 190 mm to ϕ 1000 mm, ie well diameters from ϕ 125 mm to ϕ 600 mm.
Execution of exploratory drilling and production of piezometers

We possess the following drilling sets:
– NORDMEYER 2/10 1 piece
– GEFCO SPEED STAR 15K 1 piece
– COUPEROUS RB 50 1 piece
– FA-12 2 pieces
– BA-15 1 piece
– GDR-300 1 piece
Ancillary machines – trucks:
– Excavator JCB 3 2 pieces
– Crane truck 3 pieces
– Towing trucks 2 pieces
– 14 tons tipper truck 1 piece
– Diesel compressors 4 pieces
– Butt welding machine TM315SECOS 1 piece
– Logging equipment in wells 1 piece

Maintenance of existing wells

– Recording TV probe deep wells, with a reproduction of the recording on the CD;
– chemical – physical – hydraulic regeneration of atrophied wells to the recovery of their lost yield. For the use of chemical compounds in the process of regeneration of wells we have atest – thinking the Institute of Public Health of Serbia “Dr Milan Jovanovic – Batut”. The application of regeneration is significantly cheaper than the construction of new wells, with well extended service life and provides significantly greater amount of water organized water supply;
– rehabilitation of wells with damaged filter or exploitation columns by installing “PISTON” structures or filters in the filter;
– insulation work filters or columns of wells with cement;
– removing fallen submersible pumps, pushing a pipeline or other foreign objects have fallen into the well.
– mechanical cleaning and development wells;
– performance tests pumping stations of different capacities including analysis and data processing. Data processing have the appropriate licensed programs;